Summer updates and information about a new way to support my tea work
Hello Tea Friend! Thanks for stopping by the blog. I have been focusing on several projects. This summer, I’ve held two tea meet-ups: weather and summer meant they were tiny, but lovely. I am about 60% through the online, 12-module meditation course I have been taking. (I mentioned it in my post, “Enticements to Speed Through a Mindfulness Course.”) Also, I’ve been at work planning August-through-December tea events. These projects have left me less time for posting on the blog lately. Thankfully, that is about to change!
Besides posting more on the blog, I am so excited to share my plans soon! You’ll usually find out first–and get exclusive discounts–if you subscribe to my monthly newsletter, Tea Infusiast News. Now for that new “support” part…

I’ve taken what feels like a big step! (*Gulp*) I’ve set up a way for people to choose to support my work with a donation. Those who “buy me a cup of tea“ from my new Ko-fi page, will be supporting my work. It takes time, skill, and money to create, market, organize, and run tea events. Donations also help defray the cost of running the blog, putting out the monthly newsletter, and taking classes to deepen my tea and teaching skills. (I’ve previously written about the “Costs of Running a Tea Blog and Offering Events.“)
There are many ways to support creators like me. Reading this blog, subscribing to my newsletter, sharing encouraging words, and joining my events mean a lot to me. Thank you for your support.
If you have any questions about this step, feel free to share them in the comments, below. 🙂